Is Your Website In Compliance?

website compliance
Website compliance

Is your website in compliance with today’s A.D.A laws?

It’s a known fact today that, many business (big or small), where their websites are non compliant to the law for people with disabilities.

It really became a bigger issue after the COVID pandemic. Many of us (especially the disable), were subjected to operate the internet in this downtime.

Without the proper functions from business’s websites, the people with disabilities felt discriminated due to the “lack of accessibility.”

Check out this clip below:

Website Accessibility Lawsuit

A.D.A. meaning, “American Disability Act” has increased it’s force to crack down on even small (mom & pop) stores to become compliant or face a hefty fine.

These fines range from on average $25k on up. The thing about this is, you can be sued over and over again for the same issue. Ouch! that hurts

They are going after businesses like never before and some are in it just for the money sake.

Everyone is being sued and no one is safe these days.

With the new ADA laws… Everyone is abusing it… 

​They file a lawsuit against every single business they can reach.

I believe that the internet should be accessible to everyone especially, since, most things are done online now.

Just think of the damage it can do to your business health or even you and your families lifestyle if you were hit with outlandish lawsuit.

When Your Website Is Slapped With Non-Compliant Fine

Check out this clip below:

 Many of the small businesses are new to this A.D.A accessibility law and if caught non-compliant, is not the lawyer, judicial courts or disable person’s fault. You’re totally to blame. Click Here

Now, I am not saying, “you will get hit with a big fine if you are not A.D.A Compliant.

But, why take that chance to gamble all that you invested into to have and share with yourself and your love ones and turn around and possibly, LOSE IT ALL.

It’s time to make the right decision today. I’m here to relay the news and help you if possible (no pressure), to have your business website A.D.A Compliant

To your success,

Derrick M.

Business Funding Specialist and Blog Educator